Why I watched a movie with an IMDb rating of 3.9/10?

Jamila Ghadyali
2 min readFeb 14, 2020

A few years ago, a friend told me that they always checked the ratings on popular movie rating websites before investing 2- 3 hours of their precious time. Even if my friend found the description of the movie interesting, but the ratings did not show promise, then the movie was surely a waste of time.

I can’t really blame the friend in question. With the constant barrage of emails, tweets, and messages, finding the time to watch a show can be an accomplishment in itself. Sometimes, I only sift through the ‘endless’ choices and then give up because my TV time is over and my phone lights up with a new notification.

Today while browsing shows on a popular streaming app I did not bother to search, I pressed Play after I found the movie description rather intriguing. The rating was low, so I reasoned that I could always watch a few minutes and change it later. Eventually, I did watch the entire film.

While watching the film, I did witness several things that were not working almost justifying the rating. However, I continued watching because there were two things that worked really well.

1. The social issue being highlighted is of great significance in current times.

2. The dialogues were witty and wise.

Agreed, the deluge of information in our daily lives can be overwhelming and all we need is a recommendation system to create customized playlists that are ready to be devoured. Ratings and our previously liked content play the main role in these systems. It’s okay to deviate from them and try out stuff that’s not ‘popular’ or ‘recommended’ and who knows! you may discover a new movie, hobby or even a new way of thinking. In the end, it’s really what you gain from the experience that matters. 😊

In the words of Bruce Lee,

Research your own experience.

Absorb what is useful,

reject what is useless,

add what is essentially your own.

Which ‘not so popular’ movie or show did you watch recently? Would love to know in the comments.

